Martes, Oktubre 8, 2013

My life with Technology


           Educational technology is educational learning by the use of technology, here the uses of technology or function of technology and the advantages and disadvantages or the limitations of technology is explained. It institution that promotes or discuss what is technology how are be comfortable by using those product of technology and institutions that provides learning’s.  What technology means for?  What are the important of using that technology? By the use of this educational technology we as learner are aware enough of the true important and uses of technology in our life.

        Technology may give us some advantages and that is we call strength like it made our life easy and we can make things in fastest way by using some products of technology, if there are advantages, of course there’s also limitation, weakness or what we called the disadvantages of using those technology. To know those strength and weaknesses or the advantages and the disadvantages, educational technology maybe can help you, in here you will learn of  lots of things about technology their uses and their limitations . The educational technology has also strength and weakness, one of that strength it may help us to know and learn many things about technology what are their advantages and disadvantages it  in using it and also what are their functions or uses in our daily in our daily activity, like using some Microsoft the Microsoft word use to encode or to make encoded lesson plan or make a encoded IM’s, and also Microsoft excel it help you to compute faster the grade of your following students, the Microsoft PowerPoint were you can make your presentation reports in high tech way and also the Microsoft Publisher we you can make some certificate, greetings card  to motivate your students improve their works or keep up their works and many other things that can technology can do. The weaknesses of educational technology is not all schools or society can afford or can facilitate to have educational technology in their schools or society , maybe due of locks of resources of lacks of financial problem.

             As, conclusion technology may give you a sweeter or fastest way in doing some works or  easiest way of living, always remember that technology has always a limitations  and disadvantages, it will matter on you how will you use it for your good.

             I would like to say thank you so much to our instructor in this subject  Mr. Helmar G. Ycong for the learning's and knowledge that he shared to us. Thank you sir for helping us discover the world of technology  and for the motivation that you give us always,you are one of the best instructor, an approachable instructor that I meet in VSU . I'm so glad that you are my both instructor in laboratory and lecture you made my Educational technology subject as a memorable subject ever. Thank you again.


Linggo, Oktubre 6, 2013

Explore the earth using Math

Title: ( Exercise 11.Educational Show ) 


            Here, our task is to make a educational show that related in our major and the major actor and actresses are self. This video you will learn or discover how Al-Biruni  discover the earth radius.


        I learn that creating your own educational technology is not easy than I thought, especially in editing the videos that you made and arrange it order. I learn also that in movie maker you can add some effects to make your movie more creative, and cut some videos that are not needed or mute the sounds and add new sounds that you want




Sabado, Oktubre 5, 2013

The Beauty of Technology

Title: ( Exercise 10.MS Publisher )


            Ms publisher, here our task is to make a greetings card, business card and award certificate by the use of ms publisher and use the designs that provided by publisher or you may create of your own design by the use of blank publisher.


            In this activity,I learn to create my own greeting s card,business card and award certificate and apply the designs tools that provided in the ms publisher,and I learn also to insert word art and shapes and fill colors on the shapes that I inserted.In this activity also I learn that in making a greetings card,business card and certificate use the ms publisher instead of using ms word.

Slides Show

Title: ( Exercise 9. MS PowerPoint)


                   MS PowerPoint  a new way of presenting a report by the use of technology,here our task is to make a power point  presentation  from the lesson plan and add effect and background in the slides.




          In this activity I learn to make a balance slide, that the text title should be big enough than the other text and it should be justify and the picture should not be small but not so big also that can not catch so much attention than the title I mean don't emphasize so much the picture than the text, and in adding effect the simple the better and the background should be appropriate to your topic and the color of the text and background should eyes friendly.  

Technology in Math

Title: ( Exercise 7. MS Excel)


            MS Excel, here you can compute a grade of your students faster than compute it individually using calculator because here in excel after computing the total or average of one of the students you just simply drag the cell box and it is automatically appear the different total or average grade of the following students.  


              In this activity I learn to the easiest way and fastest way of computing a grade by the use of Microsoft Excel and some remarks like pass or failed to identify how many students that pass or not.

Thousands of Words

Title: ( Exercise 7. MS Word )


              In this activity, we are task to encode a lesson plan in ms word, and use some tools to add some design in the word like the word art for the title and some shape if necessary and follow the format like justify and the font style and font size.


            Ms word I learn to encode and edit some text and the font size and font style and I learn also to insert some shape and word art to the word and justify all the text.

Teaching Aid's

Title: ( Exercise 6. OHP(Over Head Projector) )


              Over head project, in this exercises we are going to make a IM's using transparency sheet and apply the technique in writing on the transparency sheet like the over lay technique and the three dimensional object and apply also color to the transparency sheet using colored marker.


           In this activity I learn the technique of writing in transparency sheet, like the over lay technique I learn that if you apply this technique it will add effect to your sheet if you will present it, and I learn how present a report using overhead projector and also you can cover some parts of the transparency if you want to cover some text of picture in the sheet to add effect by the use of paper.

Made of Blind Person

Title:( Exercise 5. None-Objective Shape)       


             Here our task is create or to draw without using our sense of sight, in this activity we are going to fill in all the space by the of colors and make a title of our own of what we did see in our drawing, I title it the alien shark because its look like a shark its alien because its the usual shark that we usually saw in the sea or ocean park.


           In exercise number five, I learn to draw a abstract drawing without using the sense of sight,but instead
use the sense of touch in doing this activity, and I learn to used the connection between my imagination and to my eyes in the way that I try to draw what's on my imagination without looking.

Biyernes, Oktubre 4, 2013

Power of Shading

Title: ( Exercise 4.Nine Techniques )


                In exercise four in titled the nine techniques our task is to apply those nine technique,every tree should have different techniques in shading which are the horizontal, vertical, circle, dots,zigzag,spiral,diagonal,cross and smudge and the last choose at least different two techniques and combine them.


            In exercise number four, I learn how to apply the nine technique of shading which are the horizontal, vertical, circle, dots,zigzag,spiral,diagonal,cross and smudge, I learn also to combine the two techniques in shading.I also learn that this nine technique can be apply to add life to your drawings if you have coloring materials.

God's made different faces

Title: ( Exercise 3. The Human Face ) 

              In this activity we are task to draw a human face of a male and female by applying some steps in order to create a human face properly.


 In this exercise, I learn how draw a human face by following some steps:
  1. Draw a oblong shape.
  2. Divide the shape into two horizontally and make two line vertically.
  3. Create two ears in between the two vertical line.
  4. Draw the eyes,nose and lips, on the two vertical line.
  5. To make detailed add the hairs, long hair for the female and short hair for the male to recognize the two faces.

    By following those steps I learn to create a two human faces.

Shading Bottle VS Shading Plants

Title: ( Exercise 2. Bottle and Plants with Shades ) 

            In this exercise our task is draw the bottle and plants that presented in front and to add color we required to use the shading meter for some description of our drawings and to add life or color to the drawings.


                In this activity bottle and plants with shades, I learn to apply or use the shading meter, and the lightness and darkness shade is depend on the distance were you draw your drawing and it also depend on the direction of sunlight that reflect to the object that you draw.

Words Interpreted By Vision

Title: ( Exercise 1.Visualization )


            In this activity our task is visualize or interpret the words freedom,unity, strength and energy into drawings which we think represented by those word.




              In this exercise I learn to draw something base of the words given I learn to interpret that words and illustrate that into drawings like the word freedom,unity, strength and energy.